
We wasted no time hitting the triple digits in early June so it’s nice to cool off at the end of the day in a swimming pool. It’s now the beginning of August in Texas. 

After a couple years off from strenuous exercise, I’ve been conditioning for the past thirty days. The cardio has had me winded and each day I have been sore. It’s difficult to come back from two years of not doing much in the way of exercise. 

I enjoy swimming my laps alone. I love the peacefulness and tranquility. All I hear are the birds and faint sounds of various animals in the area. I look out at green trees in each direction and blue skies above. I feel like I’m part of nature. I have a huge amount of gratitude for these hours in the water.

One evening, after a few weeks had gone by, I found myself really wanting to work hard at swimming. I thought back to my childhood and realized that swimming had been a consistent part of my entire life. I had never had the desire to work at swimming, though. 

I began my laps as I focused on my breathing and that’s when I saw Buddy. He was sitting shirtless on the side of the pool wearing dark swim trunks. His legs were in the water. Then I heard “form, form, form.” I stretched and reached more fully, twisting into the water as I made my way to the other side. Then I stopped swimming to talk to him while I had this connection. We talked for a few minutes and then he was gone. I don’t think I’ll ever forget his visit. 

After my hour in the pool all I could think about was Buddy. It was as if he were coaching me. It was touching and I appreciated it so much. But I wondered why he was visiting me now. I assumed the pool was the attraction. Maybe he was on the swim team in high school and had a love of water. I really had no idea but he had chosen to die in the water so it made sense to me.

Buddy and I had a class together in high school. Mrs. Rogers, GPS. (General Physical Science) We were friends but we were not close. He carried such sadness. I felt it when I was around him and I could see it in his eyes. Sometime after graduation he took his own life. I have always wondered why. 

By the time I got back in the house, it was dark. I texted a friend to find out if Buddy was on the high school swim team. Her reply made me emotional. She said “Yes, Buddy from class of ’83. Yes, I believe he was on the swim team.” She was later in contact with someone who confirmed this. He was on the swim team for one year. He never had his picture taken with the team.

Thank you for reading! 

#psychic #medium

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